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Meißen District – Energy Transition, Industry and Beyond

13. November 2024

Last Wednesday, November 13th, I had the privilege of presenting the current and future challenges of the Meißen District to the international students at BTU in Cottbus. I shared some general facts about the Meißen District as well as key topics such as energy transition, industrial decarbonization and how we integrate theoretical knowledge with practical applications in collaboration with regional companies as part of our lectures. The subsequent engaging discussion revealed a strong interest amongst the students in our new project, R3 – Reallabor Rittergut Riesa, in addition to our joint efforts with the District Administration Office Meißen on developing Energy Experience Points.

A heartfelt thank you to Prof. Dr. habil. Roh Pin Lee (Chair of Decarbonization and Transformation of BTU) for the opportunity to present and engage with the perspectives of future young professionals from various technical and economic departments. Thanks also to Eva Spickenheuer (Energy Saxony) for facilitating connections and to Cansu Citil for the support in editing the texts. We look forward to continuing the exchange to support diverse perspectives in tackling the challenges of this fascinating and impactful field!

Fotos: Roh Pin Lee | Text: Alexander Buchheim, Cansu Citil

Prof. Buchheim is presenting the challenges and opportunities in the Meißen District to students at BTU Cottbus
Prof. Buchheim is presenting the challenges and opportunities in the Meißen District to students at BTU Cottbus
Prof. Buchheim is presenting the challenges and opportunities in the Meißen District to students at BTU Cottbus
Open and engaging exchange of the different perspectives from international students
Open and engaging exchange of the different perspectives from international students
Open and engaging exchange of the different perspectives from international students
Foto von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Buchheim

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Buchheim


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